英会話講師 Mr. Doyle Preheim 先生のこと

C43 紫垣 由城 ( 関東深山会MLより—2012年9月13日)


復旧を終えたのち、昨年夏に赴任しました。West Virginia 州 Charleston市です。

おそらく昭和41年から43年入学の皆さんは、誰しもご存知の英会話講師であった、Mr. Doyle Preheim先生(現在はDr. Doyle Preheim)についてお知らせいたします。

イリノイ州Goshen市のGoshen Collegeで音楽の先生としてお勤めだったようで、既に引退され、現在はNew Mexico州の州都Santa Feにお住まいで、今でも歌唱指導をなさっているよ うです。
以下のページ(Goshen Collegeの同窓会情報です)をご覧ください。


60歳前後のおじん達には、忘れられない先生です。私は今でもWhite Christmasを(一部ですが)英語で口ずさみます。


Dear Dr. Shigaki,

What a wonderful surprise to receive a letter from a former student of Miyakonojo-Kokuritsu-Kosen!  A friend of mine who works in the alumni office at Goshen College forwarded your kind letter to me via e-mail.  Yes, I was very fortunate to spend three years in Miyakonojo from 1966 to 1969, teaching conversational English and music at Miyakonojo-Kosen.  Sad to say, there were so many English students, I don't remember all of them by name and I can't remember your face exactly.  However, I had a wonderful experience and I have great memories of those years in Kyushu.

Congratulations to you for all of your professional successes!  It is amazing that you have completed your doctoral studies and are now the President of Kureha PGA LLC.  I am very proud of you!  Now that you are living in the USA, you have many reasons to practice some of the conversational English that I taught you 45 years ago.  I am pleased to hear that you are enjoying your life in West Virginia and that you have found people to be kind and helpful.

I have not been back to Miyakonojo since 1969.  I'm sure the city and Kosen have changed a lot.  I have often wondered about the many students I learned to know there, and also the teachers -- where do they now live and what do they do?.  Maeda Sensei (English teacher) was always so very kind and helpful to me as a foreigner.  My wife and I have plans to return to Japan for a visit in the fall of 2014.  We have very good friends in Toyko who have invited us to tour Japan with them, including a visit to Kyushu.  I would love to return to the campus of Kokuritsu-Kosen, to see the Namiki neighborhood where I lived, to see how much the city of Miyakonojo has grown and changed, and to see some of the people we knew well.  I am very much looking forward to returning to Japan after more than 45 years!

After I left Japan, I entered a Doctoral program in music at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.  After completing my degree, I taught one year at the University of California, Santa Barbara and then I accepted an invitation to teach at Goshen College in Northern Indiana.  Goshen was a small college of only 1200 students, but it had a very strong music tradition.  I stayed there for thirty years and enjoyed my students and my colleagues very much.  In 2003, my wife and I decided to relocate to Santa Fe, New Mexico.  We both enjoy the American West and we were ready for a change.  We stayed active in music in Santa Fe - I taught singing lesson and directed a community chorus, and Mary Jo taught piano lessons and did a lot of accompanying of singers and instrumentalists.  We have made many new friends here and we plan to stay in our home for another 10-15 years, if health allows.  However, we are now retired from most of our musical obligations, so we have more time for visiting three grandchildren in Denver, Colorado and we hope to do more travel.

If you are in contact with other Kosen students, please give them greetings from their old conversational English teacher . . . and music teacher.  You are welcome to share my e-mail and contact information with them.  It would be interesting to hear some of their life stories.  If your travels in the USA bring you to Santa Fe, New Mexico, please let me know.  You would be welcome to stay in our home and we'd be happy to be your tour guide in this beautiful part of our country.

Thank you again for making the effort to contact me!


Doyle Preheim


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